Shizen Energy supplies Non-Fossil Certificates derived from Karatsu Minato Wind Farm to Comfort Hotel Saga

~ Contributing to Local Production Local Consumption in Saga ~

2023.07.03[Press Release]

Shizen Energy Inc.(Shizen Energy) has supplied “FIT Non-Fossil Certificates with tracking” derived from the Karatsu Minato Wind Power Plant, a jointly owned power plant by the Shizen Energy Group in Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture, to Comfort Hotel Saga operated by GREENS Co., Ltd. (GREENS). The amount of certificates supplied are equivalent to the amount of CO₂ emissions by Comfort Hotel Saga in FY2022 which was approximately 135 tons.

■Purchase of “FIT Non-Fossil Certificates” by Comfort Hotel Saga
Comfort Hotel Saga is owned by Nomura Real Estate Private REIT Inc.(NPR), managed by Nomura Real Estate Asset Management Co., Ltd., and operated by GREENS. NPR and GREENS agreed last August to work together to promote sustainability initiatives, and the purchase of FIT Non-Fossil Certificates with tracking is part of this effort. In conjunction with the purchase of the Non-Fossil Certificates, NPR, as the owner of the property, made energy-saving related capital investments (air conditioning work, replacement of the hot water system, and replacement of the entire building with LED lighting) to reduce electricity consumption.

■Karatsu Minato Wind Power Plant
The FIT Non-Fossil Certificates with tracking purchased by Comfort Hotel Saga are derived from the Karatsu City Minato Wind Power Plant, which Shizen Energy Group has joint ownership, in Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture. The Karatsu City Minato Wind Power Plant was completed and started commercial operation in 2018, with one wind turbine of approximately 2 MW.

■Shizen Energy offers a variety of non-fossil certificates
Shizen Energy provides services for environmental certificates, including non-fossil certificates that meet international standards for decarbonization initiatives. Specifically, it procures and provides non-fossil certificates with tracking and J-credits in Japan, and I-RECs, which are used in more than 50 countries worldwide, as well as GOs (Guarantee of Origin) and TIGRs (Tradable Instruments for GLobal Renewables). As for I-REC, Shizen Energy has registered a wind farm and a solar power plant in Vietnam, in which it is investing and managing assets, therefore in addition to procurement from the market, registration of power plants managed by the company will enable long-term and stable supply of electricity without being greatly affected by market prices.

In order to “take action for the blue planet,” Shizen Energy will flexibly respond to various needs such as decarbonization and strengthening energy resilience by combining digital technologies such as EMS and storage batteries with the development of renewable energy power sources that exist in harmony with local communities. Together with partners, Shizen Energy aims to realize a 100% renewable energy world as soon as possible.

【About Shizen Energy Inc.】
Founded in June, 2011. With the company purpose of “We take action for the blue planet,” the company’s business includes development, financing, and asset management of renewable energy power plants using solar power, wind power, small-scale hydroelectric power, and biomass. Since 2016, the company has also been focusing on its international operations, expanding its development and power generation projects in areas such as Southeast Asia and Brazil. In 2019, the company also entered the energy tech business, offering micro-grid and VPP construction, smart charging and discharging services for EVs, and other services through its self-developed EMS (energy management system). Shizen Energy Group has been involved in more than 1 GW of renewable energy generation internationally.

 ・Headquarters: Fukuoka Ohori Bldg. 1-1-6 Arato, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka
 ・Representative Directors: Ken Isono, Kenji Kawado, Masaya Hasegawa