
  1. Shizen Energy Starts Construction of First Solar Power Plant in Brazil~Net Metering Business Model~
  2. Shizen Energy Starts Construction of Its First Foreign PV Power Plant – Rooftop PV Power Plant in Collaboration with Local Business in Indonesia –
  3. juwi Shizen Energy Receives Order for 29 MW Mega Solar EPC Project with Project Financing Led by Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation as the Arranger Start of Work on Osato Solar Park in Miyagi Prefecture’s Kurokawa District
  4. juwi Shizen Energy Receives its Largest Ever Mega Solar Order for a 42MW EPC Project EPC Contract Concluded for Sano Tadacho Photovoltaic Power Plant in Tochigi Prefecture
  5. temporarily close our business on 1st June 2018 because of the employee training
  6. temporarily close our business on national holidays  of 30th April, 3rd and 4th May and weekends
  7. Ishinomaki Numazu 14MW Photovoltaic Power Plant in Miyagi Prefecture, has been completed by juwi Shizen Energy
  8. temporarily close our business from 28th December to 3rd January because of the year-end and New Year holidays
  9. we are pleased to announce the opening of Tokyo Satellite Office on January 4, 2018
  10. temporarily close our business on 22nd September 2017 because of the employee training
  11. temporarily close our business on national holidays of 29th April and from 3rd to 5th May and weekends
  12. temporarily close our business from 30th December to 3rd January because of the year-end and New Year holidays