1. Shizen Energy and Constant Energy Completed Seven Sites of Corporate PPA C&I Project in Thailand
  2. Shizen Energy Appoints a New Director
  3. Shizen Energy Completes Construction of Second Solar Power Plant in Brazil To Supply Power to 66 Drugstore Chain Locations
  4. Shizen Energy Group sponsored weMORI, the world’s first dedicated forest action app
  5. Shizen Energy Launches “Minimum Grid” Service Combining Solar Power Generation System, Storage Batteries, and Energy Management System -First usage case at care facility, delivering both disaster preparedness and cost savings-
  6. ソーラーシェアリング特化型O&Mサービスを千葉県で開始 ~これからを見据えた遠隔監視型O&Mにより、第1号事例が安定稼働中~
  7. COVID-19 Company Measure Update (June, 1st)
  8. Participate in FY2020 Virtual Power Plant (VPP) construction demonstration project ~Frequency coordination and optimum control system with home storage battery, EV and HP water heater~
  9. Shizen Energy reduces basic fee for corporate customers during the business suspension request period
  10. Shizen Energy Consortium’s Joint Project Proposal Selected for Wind Power Project in the Caraga Region of Mindanao, Philippines
  11. Shizen Energy completes construction of the “Kitakyushu Hibikinada Wind & Solar Power Plant” as the Second Wind Power Plant Development Project
  12. SE ranked in Top 500 companies of “High-Growth Companies Asia-Pacific” by Financial Times