Personal Information Protection Policy (Privacy Policy)

Commencement date September 3, 2021
Amendment date January 1, 2025

Shizen Energy Inc., Shizen Engineering Inc., and Shizen Operations Inc. (Shizen Energy Group, SEG) recognize the crucial responsibility of protecting personal information, including individual numbers and specific personal data, of customers, business partners, and employees. Therefore, based on our philosophy of personal information protection and our established code of conduct, we fully recognize our social mission, and we are committed to protecting individual rights and strictly complying with all relevant laws and regulations concerning personal information.

In addition, we hereby declare that we have established a personal information protection management system to realize the following policy, and that we shall make company-wide efforts to continuously improve the system while always being aware of the latest trends in IT technology, changes in social demands, and changes in the business environment.

1. We shall acquire, use, and provide personal information in an appropriate manner, and shall not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use. In addition, measures shall be taken that this is ensured.

2. We shall comply with laws, regulations, Japanese government guidelines and other rules regarding the handling of personal information.

3. We shall continuously improve the security system of personal information by allocating management resources that match the actual conditions of our business in order to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information by taking appropriate security measures. In the event of a security breach, we shall promptly take corrective measures.

4. We shall respond promptly and sincerely to complaints and inquiries concerning the handling of personal information.

5. The personal information protection management system shall be reviewed and improved continuously in a timely and appropriate manner considering changes in the environment and actual conditions surrounding the company.

Shizen Energy Inc.
Representative Director Ken Isono

Shizen Engineering Inc.
Representative Director Jan Martin Warzecha

Shizen Operations Inc.
Representative Director Jan Martin Warzecha

【For inquiries regarding Privacy Policy and complaints regarding personal information

Shizen Energy Inc.
Personal Information Protection Manager
Department Head of Legal & Governance Dept.
Engo Building, 2-4-7 Nihonbashi Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023


【Notification of the Purpose of Use of Personal Information

SEG notifies that it shall use personal information within the scope of the following purposes of use in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

Purpose of use of personal information at SEG

・Personal information from inquiries about our Group’s businesses is used to respond to those inquiries
・Personal information of customers using services provided by our Group is used for providing those services
・Personal information related to our Group’s business is used for business execution, legal compliance, marketing activities, etc. 
・Personal information of our Group’s business partners and contractors is used to fulfill contracts with those partners or contractors
・Personal information of our shareholders is used for communication, providing various information, shareholder management, and related activities
・Personal information of the Group’s employees is used for personnel and labor management, business management, health management, security management, etc.
・Individual numbers of the Group’s employees and their dependent spouses are used for the purposes specified by law
・Information of direct applicants to the Group is used for recruitment operations
・Information of job applicants from the Public Employment Security Office and private job information websites is used for recruitment purposes

Business of Shizen Energy Inc.
The development of power generation and storage facilities using solar, wind, and other renewable energies (hereinafter collectively referred to as “renewable energy-related facilities”), electricity sales, consulting services, asset management business, and the planning, design, development, operation, and maintenance of software systems and services.

Business of Shizen Engineering Inc. 
Development of renewable energy-related facilities, EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction), and other related services

Business of Shizen Operations Inc. 
Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of renewable energy-related facilities, asset management, and other related businesses, including construction and security services

【Regarding Joint Use of Personal Information

Items of personal data to be shared
Name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, and all other personal information obtained by each company in the Group

Scope of Parties for Joint Use
Affiliated companies of the Shizen Energy Group, including major group companies (referring to affiliated companies as defined by the Regulation on Corporate Accounting).

Purpose of use by those who will use the data
Same as the purpose of use of personal information

Person responsible for managing the relevant personal data
Shizen Energy Inc.
For the address and name of the representative, click here

【Regarding the notification of matters concerning retained personal data and records of provision to third parties

SEG ensures that the following matters are made known regarding requests for disclosure, etc. of retained personal data (notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, deletion, and suspension of provision to third parties) and requests for disclosure of records of provision to third parties.

1. Names and addresses of each company in the group, and names of representatives

Shizen Energy Inc.
Click here for the address and name of the representative

Shizen Engineering Inc.
Click here for the address and name of the representative

Shizen Operations Inc.
Click here for the address and name of the representative

2.Personal Information Protection Manager

Shizen Energy Inc.
Position: Department Head, Legal & Governance Department

3.Purpose of use of retained personal data
Same as the purpose of use of personal information.

4.Contact for complaints regarding handling of retained personal data
Inquiries regarding personal data in our possession are received at the following:       

2-4-7 Nihonbashi-Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023
Shizen Energy Inc. Contact for Inquiries Regarding Privacy Policy

5.Procedures for Disclosure
Please contact us as indicated above as an inquiry regarding our Privacy Policy.

6.Secure Management of Retained Personal Data
SEG takes necessary measures to prevent the leakage, loss or damage of personal information and to ensure its secure management. For details on the security management measures taken by our Group, please contact us as indicated above for inquiries regarding our Privacy Policy.